Available at Little Earth Health

As part of our Integrative Naturopathic appointments we will provide you access to over 350 functional medicine tests. This ensures the opportunity for each and every client to be thoroughly investigated and to provide you with direct answers to the health concerns you are experiencing.

Not every client will need testing, oftentimes we can identify and treat you based solely on your case history and symptoms, however in some instances testing may be indicated or advised depending on the complexity of each client’s history and the presenting health complaint.

We ensure our clients have access to the most up to date functional medicine testing available anywhere in the world, which is why we only work with the world’s leading functional testing providers. Additionally, Little Earth Health does not add a retail markup on our functional testing, making our suite of tests more accessible to our clients.

Current active clients have full access to our functional testing suite as part of our consultation services.  We also offer a free 15 minute discovery appointment for new clients to discuss our functional pathology options and pricing and to find the most suitable test for your health needs.  If you are a new client and are interested in our functional testing, please go to our bookings page and select a 15 minute discovery appointment.  Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.


Available at Little Earth Health

As part of our Integrative Naturopathic appointments we will provide you access to over 350 functional medicine tests. This ensures the opportunity for each and every client to be thoroughly investigated and to provide you with direct answers to the health concerns you are experiencing.

Not every client will need testing, oftentimes we can identify and treat you based solely on your case history and symptoms, however in some instances testing may be indicated or advised depending on the complexity of each client’s history and the presenting health complaint.

We ensure our clients have access to the most up to date functional medicine testing available anywhere in the world, which is why we only work with the world’s leading functional testing providers. Additionally, Little Earth Health does not add a retail markup on our functional testing, making our suite of tests more accessible to our clients. To access our testing will require an initial naturopathic appointment so we can discuss the appropriate test options along with a follow up appointment to review the outcome of the test and discuss an appropriate treatment strategy with you.

For full details on test pricing please get in touch or make an inital Naturopathic appointment.


Below are some of the most commonly recommended functional tests we utilize with our clients.

DNA Health Profile

DNA Health establishes the optimal nutrition necessary for good health, energy, longevity and risk mitigation based on your unique genetics. This test looks for 32 genes SNPs involved in biological processes such as methylation, inflammation, oxidative stress, lipid/cholesterol metabolism, bone health, insulin sensitivity and food/nutrient responses.  This is one of the most commonly prescribed tests we use for addressing complex health complaints but also as part of our holistic health approach in educating clients on their unique genetic makeup and nutrigenomic approaches to support them in preventing possible future disease.

Type – Blood
Turn around time – approximately 28 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Complete Microbiome Map

This profile takes a deep dive into the microbiome, paying particular attention to microbes that cause disease or disrupt normal microbial balance. One of the most comprehensive gut tests available, it screens for 77 pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses and parasites along with short chain fatty acids and other gastrointestinal functional markers.

Type – Stool
Turn around time – approximately 7 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth SIBO Breath Test

This profile is used as an initial biomarker and follow up biomarker when treating small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. SIBO can occur when the ileocecal valve (which connects the small and large intestine) is dysfunctional, allowing large intestinal bacteria to migrate upwards into the small intestine. SIBO is a common cause behind many GI issues such as bloating, abdominal pain, maldigestion, excessive wind and IBS symptoms.

Type – Breath
Turn around time – approximately 7 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Vaginal Microbiome

This profile is taken at home via non invasive swab and reports on the health status of the vaginal microbiome including pH, opportunistic bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungal pathogens and beneficial bacteria which can influence disease outcomes such as bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis.

Type – Swab
Turn around time – approximately 5 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Hair Mineral Tissue Analysis

This profile looks at 16 essential minerals, 7 toxic elements and other elements. Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Aluminum, Mercury, Lead are some of the analytes measured in this test. The biochemistry of nutrients happens in the tissue, not in the bloodstream, so hair is the perfect non-invasive way to analyze indicated tissue levels of beneficial minerals and toxic elements stored in the human body. One of the most important tests we offer.

Type – Hair
Turn around time – approximately 10 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

OMX Organic Metabolomics

This profile takes a deep dive into the body’s cellular metabolic processes, identifying metabolic blocks that can be treated nutritionally. An invaluable test for determining functional vitamin and mineral status, amino acid insufficiencies, oxidative damage, detoxification capacity, functional B-vitamin needs, neurotransmitter metabolites, mitochondrial energy production, methylation sufficiency, cortisol status as well as markers for bacterial and yeast overgrowth.

Type – 
Turn around time – approximately 14 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

DUTCH Plus Hormone Panel

This profile is one of the most comprehensive hormonal panels available which looks at 40+ hormonal metabolites including various metabolites of Oestrogens, Androgens, Progesterone, Cortisol and Melatonin along with the DNA oxidative stress marker 8-OHdG, Neurotransmitter metabolites and nutritional organic acids.
For any sex hormone driven condition or adrenal condition, this test is a must.

Type – Urine & Saliva
Turn around time – approximately 14 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Thyroid Profile

This profile looks in depth at thyroid hormone metabolic markers and associated immune markers. Thyroid abnormalities are one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting millions of people worldwide. Thyroid hormones regulate the energy level, growth and reproduction of every cell of your body. This test looks at TSH, free T3, free T4, Reverse T3, anti-TG antibodies and anti-TPO antibodies to identify indicators for autoimmune thyroiditis and metabolic dysfunction of the thyroid axis.

Type – Blood
Turn around time – approximately 5 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Sleep Profile

This profile tests for midnight melatonin and cortisol saliva levels to determine if these hormones are playing a role in patients with sleep disorders. Insomnia affects up to 50% of the Australian population and disrupted sleep is often a significant driver or cofactor in chronic illness. If you are not sleeping well, consider this test.

Type – Saliva
Turn around time – approximately 5 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Cytokine Panel

This profile takes a comprehensive look at the chemical messengers that signal the immune system. These chemical messengers are grouped as either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, and when they are out of balance they have been associated in many chronic health conditions. If all chronic health conditions are associated with underlying inflammation, think of these cytokines as arsonists or firefighters. Once we identify the number and type of arsonist and firefighter, we can use clinically proven nutraceuticals, herbs and lifestyle changes to influence the cytokines to bring them back into harmony with the body and halt the ongoing inflammatory processes.

Type – Blood
Turn around time – approximately 15 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Food Inflammation Test

This profile looks at IgG antibody reactions to foods which can present anywhere from several hours to days after a food has been eaten. Unlike a direct food allergy which is measured via IgE antibody testing, many people suffer from food intolerance which is often harder to identify the foods which are triggering the symptoms. Research has indicated that IgG antibodies produced in the blood against particular foods may promote certain inflammatory reactions within the body. Testing for Complement (C3d) is a direct measurement of inflammation in the body – and is therefore a very important inclusion for any food inflammation test. Activation of Complement alongside high production of IgG antibodies makes it very clear as to what foods will need to be eliminated from the diet. This test measures both IgG antibodies and Complement C3d against 176 different foods.

Type – Blood
Turn around time – approximately 14 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

Individual Optimal Nutrition ION Profile

This profile is probably one of the most comprehensive nutritional and health profiles we have access to looking at 135 biochemical markers. It is a combination of nutritional tests to measure vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, organic acids, fatty acids and amino acids.
31 markers for amino acids, 38 markers for fatty acids, Homocysteine, 6 minerals, 5 heavy metals, 5 fat soluble vitamins, DNA oxidative stress markers, lipid peroxidase, vitamin D, fatty acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, B-complex vitamin markers, methylation cofactors, neurotransmitter metabolism markers, detoxification indicators, bacterial and yeast markers.

Type – Blood & Urine
Turn around time – approximately 15 days from date it is received
How to order – Current clients please discuss with your practitioner in your next consultation.  New clients, please book a free 15 minute discovery appointment via our bookings page, Please note, all testing will require a follow up appointment to discuss the test results with the client which will be at the current Naturopathic 1 hour follow up appointment rate.

DNA Wellness Profile

This profile looks at 55 Genes and the changes associated with them that can affect mood, cognition, methylation, detoxification, antioxidant enzymes, hormone balance and function, along with nutrient absorption, transport and metabolism. One of the most commonly prescribed tests we use for addressing complex health complaints but also as part of our holistic health approach in educating clients on their unique genetic makeup and nutrigenomic approaches to support them in preventing possible future disease.

Type – Saliva
Turn around time – approximately 10 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Complete Microbiome Map

This profile takes a deep dive into the microbiome, paying particular attention to microbes that cause disease or disrupt normal microbial balance. One of the most comprehensive gut tests available, it screens for 77 pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses and parasites along with short chain fatty acids and other gastrointestinal functional markers.

Type – Stool
Turn around time – approximately 7 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth SIBO Breath Test

This profile is used as an initial biomarker and follow up biomarker when treating small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. SIBO can occur when the ileocecal valve (which connects the small and large intestine) is dysfunctional, allowing large intestinal bacteria to migrate upwards into the small intestine. SIBO is a common cause behind many GI issues such as bloating, abdominal pain, maldigestion, excessive wind and IBS symptoms.

Type – Breath
Turn around time – approximately 7 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Vaginal Microbiome

This profile is taken at home via non invasive swab and reports on the health status of the vaginal microbiome including pH, opportunistic bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungal pathogens and beneficial bacteria which can influence disease outcomes such as bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis.

Type – Swab
Turn around time – approximately 5 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Hair Mineral Tissue Analysis

This profile looks at 16 essential minerals, 7 toxic elements and other elements. Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Aluminum, Mercury, Lead are some of the analytes measured in this test. The biochemistry of nutrients happens in the tissue, not in the bloodstream, so hair is the perfect non-invasive way to analyze indicated tissue levels of beneficial minerals and toxic elements stored in the human body. One of the most important tests we offer.

Type – Hair
Turn around time – approximately 10 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

OMX Organic Metabolomics

This profile takes a deep dive into the body’s cellular metabolic processes, identifying metabolic blocks that can be treated nutritionally. An invaluable test for determining functional vitamin and mineral status, amino acid insufficiencies, oxidative damage, detoxification capacity, functional B-vitamin needs, neurotransmitter metabolites, mitochondrial energy production, methylation sufficiency, cortisol status as well as markers for bacterial and yeast overgrowth.

Type –
Turn around time – approximately 14 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

DUTCH Plus Hormone Panel

This profile is one of the most comprehensive hormonal panels available which looks at 40+ hormonal metabolites including various metabolites of Oestrogens, Androgens, Progesterone, Cortisol and Melatonin along with the DNA oxidative stress marker 8-OHdG, Neurotransmitter metabolites and nutritional organic acids.
For any sex hormone driven condition or adrenal condition, this test is a must.

Type – Urine & Saliva
Turn around time – approximately 14 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Thyroid Profile

This profile looks in depth at thyroid hormone metabolic markers and associated immune markers. Thyroid abnormalities are one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting millions of people worldwide. Thyroid hormones regulate the energy level, growth and reproduction of every cell of your body. This test looks at TSH, free T3, free T4, Reverse T3, anti-TG antibodies and anti-TPO antibodies to identify indicators for autoimmune thyroiditis and metabolic dysfunction of the thyroid axis.

Type – Blood
Turn around time – approximately 5 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Sleep Profile

This profile tests for midnight melatonin and cortisol saliva levels to determine if these hormones are playing a role in patients with sleep disorders. Insomnia affects up to 50% of the Australian population and disrupted sleep is often a significant driver or cofactor in chronic illness. If you are not sleeping well, consider this test.

Type – Saliva
Turn around time – approximately 5 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Cytokine Panel

This profile takes a comprehensive look at the chemical messengers that signal the immune system. These chemical messengers are grouped as either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, and when they are out of balance they have been associated in many chronic health conditions. If all chronic health conditions are associated with underlying inflammation, think of these cytokines as arsonists or firefighters. Once we identify the number and type of arsonist and firefighter, we can use clinically proven nutraceuticals, herbs and lifestyle changes to influence the cytokines to bring them back into harmony with the body and halt the ongoing inflammatory processes.

Type – Blood
Turn around time – approximately 15 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Food Inflammation Test

This profile looks at IgG antibody reactions to foods which can present anywhere from several hours to days after a food has been eaten. Unlike a direct food allergy which is measured via IgE antibody testing, many people suffer from food intolerance which is often harder to identify the foods which are triggering the symptoms. Research has indicated that IgG antibodies produced in the blood against particular foods may promote certain inflammatory reactions within the body. Testing for Complement (C3d) is a direct measurement of inflammation in the body – and is therefore a very important inclusion for any food inflammation test. Activation of Complement alongside high production of IgG antibodies makes it very clear as to what foods will need to be eliminated from the diet. This test measures both IgG antibodies and Complement C3d against 176 different foods.

Type – Blood
Turn around time – approximately 14 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.

Individual Optimal Nutrition ION Profile

This profile is probably one of the most comprehensive nutritional and health profiles we have access to looking at 135 biochemical markers. It is a combination of nutritional tests to measure vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, organic acids, fatty acids and amino acids.
31 markers for amino acids, 38 markers for fatty acids, Homocysteine, 6 minerals, 5 heavy metals, 5 fat soluble vitamins, DNA oxidative stress markers, lipid peroxidase, vitamin D, fatty acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, B-complex vitamin markers, methylation cofactors, neurotransmitter metabolism markers, detoxification indicators, bacterial and yeast markers.

Type – Blood & Urine
Turn around time – approximately 15 days from date it is received
How to order – an initial Naturopathic appointment is required along with a follow up appointment to discuss the test outcome and treatment strategy if implicated.