Kristi was recommended to me as part of my holistic health journey. I had been working on health and well-being but I needed something more. There was a stagnancy within me caused by unassuredness. I knew I had a purpose that I wasn’t fulfilling, I just didn’t know what it was. I came to Kristi unsure of what I needed to do and where I needed to go. She truly listened to my story as it was then, she explained every step of the way the modalities that we were working with and the healing tools within them. Kristi works with such patience and kindness and celebrates every step along the way. When the shifts happen and you start to achieve as you were meant to, Kristi is your biggest cheerleader! I can honestly say that working with Kristi and all of the facets of her knowledge has changed me in a way that I couldn’t have fathomed a year ago, heck, even months ago! Positive things I didn’t even know that I wanted or needed are constantly being presented to me and I have the confidence to snatch them up because I now know my worth and the value of giving life a chance. Thank you, Kristi, from every cell within me.